Dora&Peter from WhyGO Crete.

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Sustainable travel on the stunning island of Crete goes beyond just exploring; it's about responsible exploration with a focus on reducing environmental impact.

In a world where transportation is more accessible than ever, wanderlust has led to a surge in tourism. While this allows us to explore new horizons, it also brings challenges for local communities, cultures, wildlife, and the natural environment. The question arises: How can we continue to travel while safeguarding the planet?

The Greek Ministry of Tourism and the Cretan Regional Authority have teamed up to make Crete a model of sustainable tourism. Here are some tips to make your travel more sustainable and positive for the destination.

Lake Kournas on a sunny day in Crete, Greece

Consider Choosing a Sustainable Accommodation Option rather than a Popular One

What is a sustainable hotel?

Hotel sustainability is not just about being "greener" and protecting the Earth, but also about protecting the common good in general. For a hotel to be able to say that it operates sustainably, it must meet several criteria.

Wine Tasting Tour Chania

Environment: hotels must use resources more efficiently and produce less waste.

Local community: hotels should employ residents, creating new jobs for the community.

Heritage and Local Values: Hotels should place a strong emphasis on promoting and preserving local values

Summer atmosphere in a Crete garden, Greece

Essentially, it must promote and advocate the benefits of local businesses, thereby building a close-knit local community whose members can collectively do a great deal to protect the environment. People will appreciate this and will be happy to play their part in making the world a better place!

The accommodation search engine prioritizes hotels that meet sustainability criteria and displays a recognizable leaf badge for properties with independently verified sustainable practices.

The following 2 hotels are outstanding in this respect in Crete: 

Village Heights Resort (5 Star)

Olive Green Hotel (4 Star)

Samaria Gorge hiking tour

Packing with an Eco-Friendly Mindset

Sustainable travel starts at home with the packaging. Making thoughtful choices about what goes into your suitcase can have a significant impact on reducing your carbon footprint and supporting sustainable travel practices. Here are some tips to help you pack with an eco-friendly mindset:

Travel Light, Travel Right: Packing lightly is not only convenient but also eco-friendly. The less you pack, the lighter your luggage, which means less fuel consumption for planes, trains, and automobiles. Try to streamline your packing by carefully considering each item you bring.

Reusable Water Solutions: Instead of buying single-use plastic bottles, pack a reusable water bottle.

Tursita drinks water from a glass bottle instead of a plastic bottle.

Eco-Friendly Toiletries: Opt for eco-friendly toiletries or go completely plastic-free by packing items like shampoo bars, tooth tabs, and deodorant bars. These products not only save space in your luggage but also help minimize plastic waste.

Local made olive soap az Agia Triada Monastery in Crete

Canvas Bag: Use a canvas bag to avoid single-use plastic bags when shopping.

Bring Your Own Snacks: Airplane meals often come with excessive single-use plastic packaging. Consider bringing your own snacks in reusable containers to enjoy a plastic-free, in-flight dining experience.

Reusable Shopping Bags: Tote along a sturdy canvas bag to avoid using single-use plastic bags when shopping for souvenirs and local goodies.

Choose Wisely: When it comes to clothing, opt for thin, versatile materials that can be rolled up compactly, allowing you to maximize your luggage space without adding extra weight.

By packing with an eco-friendly mindset, you not only reduce your environmental footprint but also set the tone for a responsible and sustainable holiday on the beautiful island of Crete. Your thoughtful choices will contribute to preserving the natural beauty and cultural heritage of this remarkable destination.

5-Star Hotels in Crete

Protect and Respect Nature in Crete

Respecting and safeguarding the environment is paramount for the sustainable future of travel on the enchanting island of Crete. As the tides of mass tourism continue to wash upon its shores, it becomes even more critical to take steps to preserve the pristine beauty of Crete's natural wonders. Here are some essential guidelines to help you protect and respect nature during your visit:

Leave Nature Undisturbed: Resist the urge to collect sand and pebbles from the island's picturesque beaches, such as the renowned pink sands of Elafonisi. While it may be tempting to take a piece of paradise home with you, imagine the consequences if hundreds or even thousands of tourists did the same every day. Let these natural treasures remain where they belong, allowing future generations to marvel at their beauty.

Pink sand of Elafonisi in Crete, Greece

Reef-Safe Sunscreen: When swimming in the crystal-clear waters of Crete, be mindful of the sunscreen you use. Opt for reef-safe sunscreen to protect your skin without harming the delicate marine ecosystems. Many conventional sunscreens contain chemicals that can damage coral reefs and marine life, so choosing eco-friendly options is a small but significant step toward preserving the island's underwater wonders.

Brown Turtle swimming in the beautiful sea in Crete, Greece

Respect Prohibition Signs: If you encounter prohibition signs at local attractions or natural reserves, take them seriously. These signs are there to protect sensitive ecosystems and ensure the safety of both visitors and the environment. Remember, it's all about appreciating these natural wonders with your eyes, not your hands. Avoid touching or entering restricted areas to maintain the integrity of Crete's unique habitats.

By adhering to these principles of responsible and eco-conscious tourism, you can play a vital role in safeguarding the natural beauty of Crete for future generations. Together, we can ensure that this magnificent island remains a haven for both travelers and the remarkable biodiversity that calls it home.

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Leave Tracks, not Trash

In the picturesque landscapes of Crete, Greece, it's not just the stunning scenery that deserves preservation; it's also the remarkable marine life and ecosystems that thrive beneath the waves. To protect animals and sea life from the perils of plastic pollution, and to prevent microplastics from infiltrating our food chain, every traveler can make a significant difference. Here are some simple yet impactful steps you can take to ensure your travel remains sustainable:

Dispose Responsibly: Properly disposing of your waste is a fundamental act of responsibility. Make use of designated bins for trash and recycling. Keep in mind that plastic can endure for up to 1,000 years, posing a long-lasting threat to the environment. Opt for compostable alternatives whenever possible, avoid purchasing single-use plastics, and embark on your journey with a commitment to traveling plastic-free.

Google Maps pins by WhyGO Crete

Take Positive Action: Going beyond just avoiding littering, actively participate in positive change. Engaging in beach clean-ups is an excellent way to contribute to the preservation of Crete's coastal beauty. These initiatives are happening worldwide, and a quick online search will reveal opportunities near your travel destination. Joining a beach clean-up not only helps protect the environment but also connects you with like-minded individuals who share your passion for sustainable travel.

By leaving tracks of positive change and not trash, you become a valuable part of the effort to keep Crete's natural wonders unspoiled. 

Tourist collects rubbish on Crete to promote sustainable tourism.

Buy Local Products from Locals 

In the heart of Crete, Greece, sustainable travel isn't just about exploring stunning landscapes; it's about making a positive impact on your destination, its rich culture, and the vibrant local community. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by supporting businesses that are proudly owned by the locals. Here are some delightful local products to seek out during your stay in Crete:

A tourist shops in a local shop in Crete, promoting sustainable tourism.

1. Embrace the Liquid Gold: Olive Oil

Crete is renowned for its exceptional olive oil, often referred to as "liquid gold." It's not just a cooking ingredient; it's a cornerstone of Cretan culture. When you purchase locally produced olive oil, you're not only savoring a taste of Crete but also supporting the livelihoods of local farmers and artisans who have crafted this liquid masterpiece for generations.

Beautiful green olives on Cretan trees.

2. Sweet Delights: Figs and Oranges

Crete's climate is a perfect match for the cultivation of sweet, succulent figs and juicy oranges. These fruits are not only delicious but also a testament to the island's fertile land. Sampling these local delights not only tantalizes your taste buds but also ensures that you're enjoying the freshest produce while contributing to the local economy.

Old bicycle recycled for fruit storage in Crete.

3. Tote Your Canvas Bag to the Markets

As you explore the bustling local markets in Crete, remember to carry your trusty canvas bag. This eco-friendly choice eliminates the need for single-use plastic bags and allows you to shop sustainably while reducing plastic waste.

By choosing to buy local products from the welcoming people of Crete, you become an integral part of the sustainable travel experience. Your support directly benefits the local community, preserves cultural traditions, and fosters a deeper connection with the island's unique flavors and heritage.

Postcards from Crete 
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Create New Energy-Saving Habits

Just as we strive to save energy and water in our daily lives, these eco-conscious efforts can seamlessly extend to our travels. Here are some essential tips to help you conserve energy and water while savoring the wonders of Crete:

1. Protecting Our Resources: Sustainable travel is not only about exploring new horizons; it's about preserving the planet's finite resources for future generations. In Crete, a destination of natural beauty, this responsibility takes on even greater significance.

Segway tour in Chania

2. Mindful Energy Consumption:

Air Conditioner Awareness: When staying at your accommodation, make a habit of turning off the air conditioner when you're not in your room. By taking this simple action, you can not only lower your energy consumption but also reduce your carbon footprint.

The Mediterranean Sea on a summer's day in Crete.

3. Conserve Precious Water:

Water Scarcity: Water scarcity is a global challenge. Be conscious of your water usage, whether in your accommodations or during your outdoor adventures. Small steps, like taking shorter showers can collectively make a significant impact.

By adopting these energy-saving habits during your visit to Crete, you actively contribute to the island's sustainability efforts. 

Your Home on Crete
No items found.



In conclusion, being a sustainable tourist in Crete, Greece, isn't just a choice; it's a responsibility we owe to this magnificent island, its people, and the environment. Throughout our journey, we've discovered that small actions can have a profound impact. From respecting nature and supporting local businesses to conserving energy and minimizing plastic waste, these are the building blocks of responsible travel.

As we savor the rich flavors of Crete's olive oil, figs, and oranges, let us also savor the satisfaction of knowing that our choices have made a positive difference. Together, we can preserve the island's natural wonders and cultural heritage for generations to come. So, let your next adventure in Crete be a testament to sustainable tourism, leaving only cherished memories and footprints of responsible travel behind.

Join us in safeguarding the beauty of Crete and its unique way of life. Be a sustainable traveler today and leave a legacy of sustainability for tomorrow. Start your eco-conscious journey and make a positive impact on Crete's future.